by Margret and Jeffry, photos by Joe and Jeffry
We took advantage of the long Memorial Day weekend to split this month’s work into two days. On Saturday morning Virginia “Tractor Queen” Petrocella spent a heroic four hours getting us further along on mowing the western pasture. Meanwhile, Jeffry, Paul, and Anthony, plus Tara, Rick, 4-year-old son John Michael, George, Donna, Bryan and Maple did trail trimming followed by work on the pumphouse. Randy did beehive maintenance, and he reports that both new hives are looking good. The work ended with a 1 o’clock lunch, after which folks got cleaned up and gathered at Hart’s Nest for the long-awaited Finance and Legal Circle presentation (read about it here).
Anthony and Victoria camped on the land on Saturday night and were ready to resume work on a Sunday morning after weathering the wee-hour thunderstorms! They were joined by Jeffry, Virginia, and Paul for clearing part of the dam, resuming pump house work by building a a platform for the 1550-gallon storage tank, and loading last month’s collection of trash and recycling onto a trailer for delivery to the High Rock Road Waste and Recycling Center. Meanwhile, Margret finished mowing the western pasture while Joe and Maria continued with trail maintenance. Whew!
It was wonderful to see so many new and returning faces! “Hartfelt” thanks to everyone for a very productive and successful Memorial Day Workcamp.