Mighty March Almanac 2025

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Mighty March Almanac

You are made, fundamentally, from the good.
With this knowledge, you never march alone.

You are the breaking news of the century.
You are the good who has come forward…

…we can make a house called tomorrow.
What we bring, finally, into the new day, every day,

Is ourselves.  And that’s all we need
To start.  That’s everything we require to keep going. 

Excerpted from A House Called Tomorrow, by Alberto Rios*

What is mightier than Spring, when all manner of flowers, foods, and creatures seemingly emerge out of nowhere?   Suddenly, redbud blossoms pop, tender chickweed grows and greens, and frog song soars over the wetlands.  Change can happen so fast, so beautiful and strong, and nothing stops it from coming.  Winter’s last lashing winds and freezing cold may slow the surge, but Spring is powered by life itself and a determination to live, grow, evolve, and express its vital and nourishing gifts. 

At Common Ground, we recently carried out a prescribed burn on our largest field.  Six acres of broomsedge and briers sparked into furious flame, leaving little but barren ground and charred remains.  On the surface, it looks devastated.  But beneath the blackened chaff, roots and seeds of new growth are warming and readying to erupt. 

This is a dangerous time in our country.  But while the foundations of our democracy and ways of life are under siege, our hearts can ignite with love, and strength, and purpose, fueled by the energy of Spring that will never be crushed for long. 

Such is the reason that Common Ground Ecovillage exists—to join forces with each other and the land and rise up together with the beauty, wisdom, and resilience of life itself.  In this Almanac, you’ll find many ways to feed your body, nourish your spirit, and contribute to the forces of creativity and meaning that are igniting here—and spreading with every spark we strike with love.

See you at Common Ground

*Shared by Jessica Craven in a Chop Wood, Carry Water Substack post. 

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