It isn’t more light we need. It’s putting into practice what light we already have. When we do that, wonderful things will happen within our lives and within our world. –Peace Pilgrim
Dear friends,
The Winter Solstice is nearly upon us and Earth is taking her final tilt away from the Sun. Though the days will again lengthen and warm the ground, we are now approaching the eye of Winter with its deep mysteries, veiled truths, and hushed rhymes. Winter drives us down into our bones, into to the marrow of things unseen, and into the essence of what is yet to become. It is a time to reflect and give thanks for what has come to pass and dream into what’s next.
Common Ground Ecovillage is the product of the vision, resources, and actions of countless people over many years. We are on the cusp of discerning a new direction that is a result of so much collective learning, growing, and discerning about what wants to happen here and what’s possible to achieve. As this Almanac reflects, we continue to be inspired by all that’s embodied in the land and the longings that we each hold in our hearts.
Though the path ahead is not yet clear, it is illuminated by all who have shown up and offered their time, creativity, passion, skills and money to keep this dream alive. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this journey—past, present, and future.
See you at Common Ground