All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now. ― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being
It’s coming up to the Autumnal Equinox, and a cycle that was set in motion last fall is coming to completion now. Flowers and fruits of bygone seasons have yielded to brittle pods, splitting open and delivering messages to the future in their own particular ways, some seeds drifting on the breeze like milkweed wisps and others dropping straight to the ground like acorns. We’ve hit the Solstice highs and lows, and this Equinox invites us to shift into to neutral for a spell, calmly regarding all that the year has wrought and how that may influence what wants to happen next.
Last fall, we were headed towards developing a housing coop with a blanket mortgage. This year, the picture that’s coming into focus looks different. Yet we continue to engage in what we love, connecting with each other and the land with faithfulness, inspiration, and care, realizing our collective vision through every-day opportunities.
September’s Almanac abounds with such daily chances to exercise your body, mind, and heart however you are drawn to do so. From harvesting corn, to dancing with NVC, to crafting a database, to having a conversation at a potluck–all of it counts and contributes to the ever-evolution of this visionary agrarian community. We humans operate on human time, and while the dust of stars and the elements of eons may be in our bones and blood, our hearts revolve in rhythms far more immediate and measurable. You are invited do things great and small, right now, together.
See you at Common Ground,
Hope, for Governance & Training