by Margret Mueller
After a very rainy week, Sunday August 5th dawned clear and bright. Our main task for this day was to spruce up our entry from Frazier Road all the way to the tractor shed. Jeffry (weed whacker and riding mower) and Margret (push mower, hand weeding tool, and clippers) tackled the sadly-overgrown roadside entrance. A couple dozen small invasive Ailanthus trees had sprouted up along the ditches, our small decorative planting was subsumed by weeds, the shrubs and Redbud tree needed pruning, and the grassy areas were knee-high.
Wonder #1: See before and after pictures!

Next, a team comprised of Amy, Mir, Randy, Jeffry, Margret, and Lisa progressed down the drive with loppers, clippers, and weed whacker, widening and making more welcoming the whole length.

Wonder #2: The constant rains had popped out a world of mushrooms, beautiful and various. Margret identified several as edible, bearing such marvelous names as Shaggy-stalked bolete, Indigo Milky, Gem-studded puffball, and Meadow mushroom.

Meanwhile, back at the pump-house, Anthony and his friend Nate, plus our summer intern Jess, were adding supports to the roof and painting the door of what is proving to be a very cool multipurpose structure: Wonder #3:

Around 1 p.m. we convened at the pavilion for lunch and camaraderie. Margret encouraged folks to please (please!) take home some of Wonder #4–Hart’s Mill’s very own “generously-proportioned” zucchini and yellow squash. [attach photo]

Land Stewardship’s OL and ER thank our willing helping hands and encourages YOU to be a part of our next workday! (See August calendar).