This Labor Day’s work weekend began with a tractor workshop led by Jeffry on Saturday afternoon. Tain, Margret, and Virginia were given a very thorough and clear explanation of all of the red beast’s bells and whistles—well, more like levers, pedals, knobs, fluid reservoirs and quirks.
Then we each got a practice run in the field by the farm. The goal is to enable as many as are interested to mow and maybe even plow on occasion. Others have expressed an interest in learning also, so we will try to have another workshop later this year.
At the same time, Anthony, Paul, Virginia, Tain, John, Christopher, Maria Teresa, and Marilyn tackled the Hartery trail improvement project. We ended around 5, laid a fire in the fire circle, were joined by Hope, and had a lovely shared meal and marveled at the early sweet potato progress as night fell.
Sunday dawned clear and warm, and work began before nine. After a near miss involving a rear tire and the container shed, Margret got the tractor safely backed out and headed for the fields. After mowing for more than two hours she reports that it was great fun and tremendously rewarding.
Charles cleaned and reconfigured the guttering on our tractor shed, so that it more efficiently directs rainwater to the collection tank. He also spent some time trying to get Harts Nest’s generator working.
Meanwhile, two painting teams formed up and headed off in opposite directions around our land’s perimeter, marking trees and occasionally clothing with purple paint. Purple swatches on trees are the commonly-understood sign meaning “No Hunting”. Painters included Jeffry, Paul, Donna, Virginia, and An
A climax to the afternoon came in the form of a bonus discovery by Jeffry of a cluster of fresh, Chicken Mushrooms, which are considered choice edibles
After one more go at Hartery improvement and brush clearing along the dam, which now included Lisa and Amy, the weekend was deemed a success. Many thanks to all who participated!