by Anthony Weston
After a full-court press by the Land Stewardship Functional Circle and the energetic support of many other members, I am very pleased to announce that the Frazier Road entrance is now the official gateway to Hart’s Mill Ecovillage! Though for the moment it is still a gravel, dirt, and meadow road, this route tracks fairly closely our eventual main access to the community, and Land Stewardship made it our first 2017 priority to bring it into usable condition.
There is more work to be done, for sure, but after a great deal of clearing, grading, gravel-spreading, remounting the gate, and planting of special new flowering shrubs and other specially-chosen plants – again with the contributions of many people – the long road in is now quite passable and indeed lovely. Watch for the new directions for the Frazier entrance to go up on the website. On workdays and other major meeting days we will fly a special banner at Frazier Road so that people unused to that entrance can find us.
Today work groups, including several new members, also did a complete rehab of the Fire Circle, built more shelves in the storage unit, planted blackberries, took turns holding and touring around two babies – we also had a 4-year-old and 14-year-old join us, and taking full part
in the work too – and this account could not be complete without mentioning that Paul got to spend most of the afternoon pulling out ailanthus stumps with Randy’s rented excavator – only the coming of night could stop him.
The afternoon started out with a community lunch in the warm sun though the air was nippy. Thanks to all – another great day on the land!