Governance to thrive by…
Sociocracy may not be everyone’s idea of a hot topic, but a dozen members came to the Chapel Hill Public Library on a muggy Saturday morning to learn more about how our governance approach keeps the community cauldron simmering. Hope led the 3-hour training, covering the basics of how our circl
e structure works and the processes we use to get things done. The group was lively and engaged, contributing lots of excellent questions and ideas. The main suggestion for improvement? More time! Th
e interest and enthusiasm bodes well for effective functioning, wouldn’t you say?
Covering the bases from building to gardening to sharing food together…
Sunday’s workday (7/25/16) was already muggy at 7:30 am when Ginny and Anthony got started organizing trail work and Joe set off to expand his photo trove. By 9:15 or so Carol was working the garden and Randy the bees; Ed and Abigail arrived for a tour
with Hope; later Ruthie and Kenny arrived to help set up the first section of MicroWalden; Amy, Randy, Steve, and others unrolled the new water tubing 350 feet from tank to garden (fitting and pump coming s
oon) … we gathered for an early lunch at the Pavilion
and mostly managed to avoid the extremes of the heat (though Anthony kept working through much of the afternoon). All in all a
good day with varied activities buzzing on the land. Thanks to all who made it!